Dr Anna Powles His Highness Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Ta’isi Tupuola Tufuga Efi and Masiofo Filifilia and participants Dr Anna Powles and Seiuli Vaifou Aloali’i Temese Seminar participants Dr Penelope Schoeffel and seminar participants
Dr Anna Powles presented on the topic “Influence, ideas and identity: New Zealands’s Pacific reset and the contested neighbourhood at the National University of Samoa on Thursday, 22nd August 2019. Her presentation was part of the Centre for Samoan Studies Seminar and Film series.
Her research in the Pacific ‘focussed on how state and non state actors are shaping security and the intersection of geopolitics and local security dynamics. “
Dr Powles is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, Massey University. She is the co-founder of the Security, Politics and Development Network, the Director of Women in International Sercurity (WIIS) New Zealand and an Associate Scholar with the MacMillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, University of Canterbury, Chrustchurch.