[In conjunction with the US Embassy] Samoan Heritage Project/AFCP Directions for use of Faaala Village.zip files. [Created in ArcMap and viewable with ArcGIS Explorer] |
To view zipped map file: 1. Install ArcGIS Explorer Desktop [free] [http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/explorer-desktop/download] 2. Download the CSS Samoa BaseMap.zip file. [Also at the top of the main map page.] 3. Unzip this file FIRST to the "C:\CSS_GIS_Explorer" directory You only need to do this ONCE. (MUST use this directory for maps to work. This is the base map upon which all the other maps are drawn.) 4. Unzip other files (eg: Jackmond78.zip) to the "C:\CSS_GIS_Explorer" directory as well. (Again, MUST use this directory for ALL maps to work properly.) 5. Open: [map file].nmf (eg: J78_Savaii.nmf) from the "C:\CSS_GIS_Explorer" diectory. (file should open in "ArcGIS Explorer Desktop") |
Options Available in "ArcGIS Explorer Desktop" : 1. Inside the "CSS Samoa BaseMap" a. Main/Seconday Roads [non-active: turn on with checkmark] b. Rivers [active] c. main_road_polyline [active] d. Height contour [non-active: turn on with checkmark] e. offshore_region [active] f. Villages [non-active: turn on with checkmark] [Right click (high light), then TOOLS, then ATTRIBUTE TABLE for more info.] 2. The map contains the following: a. Fa'aala Map [active] Map of Fa'aala Village (modern- 1978), enlarge as needed b. Fa'aala Land OL [non-active] approximate boundarys of family land in village, see: Fa'aala Matai.xlsx in Fa'aala Site Data. c. Faaala Photos [non-active]. photos of Faaala Village. d. Fa'aala Site Data [non-active] Fa'aala SiteData.xlsx (field notes of survey - not complete) Fa'aala Survey Key.xlsx Fa'aala Matai.xlsx (list of Matai titles for village) [xlxs files in separate Excel spreadsheets] e. Related Links [non-active] Link to: Samoan Village Patterns: Four Examples (URL) |
ArcGIS Explorer Help is available at: http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisexplorer/1700/en/index.html#welcome_page.htm |
Make sure to check for updates and additions for the latest information (see "Last Updated" date under each download link). |